Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

School Announcements: Know anyone who might be interested in being a vendor at our Farmer's Market? We are looking for a blend of folks selling produce and other food items as well as craftspeople. Our farmer's market will run every Saturday from 8 to 11 AM, May through August. Have them contact us for a vendor packet application and operating standards for the market.

Infant Room: The children enjoyed Caprice reading aloud to them and looking at pictures in a variety of books. Everyone is on the move--we had a great day!

Toddler Room: The toddlers enjoyed a lengthy play time outside this morning. They all loved our new wagon that has a door, and they spent a lot of time "gardening" in our digging area. Pizza was a big hit for lunch!

Twos Room: The children are enjoying working on their colors, including sorting items by color, seeing colored silks hanging from the classroom fan, and enjoying natural light shining through jars of colored water. The children are learning the alphabet song. It was good to see Waylon back in his boots!

PreK: Today was a busy food day! We had fun peeling our own apples for morning snack using a rotary peeler. Some of us made individual pizzas while others worked with Reagan making paper plate and ribbon kites. We enjoyed our farm tale again today. We fed Mocha lettuce and filled his water bottle. We expected rain all day, and enjoyed lots of play outside in its absence. Everyone loved playing chase with Leslie calling out who we needed to chase next. We had a good day!