Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

School Announcements:

Hope that you liked the new school sign!

We are accepting donations of seeds and other gardening materials at the greenhouse! Does anyone have a tiller? Does anyone want to till our garden in the next week if we rent a tiller?

AM Snack: strawberry cereal bar, water

Lunch: deli turkey or ham, multigrain crackers, cucumber slices with ranch dip, mandarin oranges, organic milk

PM Snack: string cheese, pretzels, water

Highlights from Twos Room: Today the class read Are You My Mother? and worked on wooden peg puzzles. We visited the animals and had fun see-sawing outside. Tina helped us play a game of "kickball". We had a good day!

Highlights from the PreK: Today was just too beautiful to miss! After morning snack, we headed back outside to drop off the compost to the roosters, and to watch Queso being fed. We got to feel some of Queso's hair--much rougher than ours! We planted and watered morning glory seeds by Jesse's office and on either side of the front gate. We talked about how morning glories open when its cool and shady in the morning, then go "to sleep" until the next morning. We had fun walking the labyrinth. Before heading inside for lunch, we sorted the school recycling and talked about how recycling helps keep trash out of the landfills! We especially liked crushing cans and bottles with our feet! This afternoon we will hear the story of Rumpelstiltskin while holding our beeswax. Beeswax crayons will be available for drawing at the writing table, and we'll enjoy some free choice time in the classroom.

Feeling some of Queso's hair . . .

Planting morning glory seeds by the front gate.

Preparing and sorting the recycling--Cole's crushing a can to the left!