Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday afternoon 4/27/11 and Thursday, 4/28/11


Cat naps...

Thursdays are for recycling...

Watering the butterfly garden...

We'll miss our friend Sophia, who is going abroad for a year. She promises to write...

Planting zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumbers...

Toddler friends at the labyrinth...

Gourds blooming...

Our front lawn looking west...

Our new flag from our little friend Maya...

Running in our backyard...

Log lifting...

Sam is going abroad with sister. He plans to pick us flowers! We'll miss you, Sam!

Cone hands...

Yoga can happen anywhere...

She wanted to don the elephant hat...

Cracking up before lunch...

Mixing Asian chicken meatballs this morning...

They're done...

Fried rice...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Have a happy day!

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