Thursday, December 17, 2009

Welcome to the Party

Time to prepare for the party. I arrive with my son and begin setting the stage . . .chairs down, put out table activities, unlock the door to the infant/toddler area, start the music. It's usually not long before our first friends arrive. Some of the little guys need some encouragement, but most of the children settle in quickly by hanging up their things, placing their shoes in the shoe basket and their water bottle in the water bottle box. From the infant parents, details about the baby we are inheriting is recorded on their daily sheets. For our older friends, a quick-sign in is all that is needed. I try to find a moment to start some coffee for the staff and begin receiving calls from families who have sick children or appointments that will delay them. I put on my apron--my energy shield (some like-minded programs say), so that I don't give all of myself to the children, but just enough.

My sister arrives, and our staff begin to come, too. Most arrive with their children in tow. Working mothers supported by mothers. The best way to work. We continue to greet every child and parent by name, ask a couple of details about something happening in their life, and have parents leave knowing that we have connected. Their child isn't just signed in, they aren't just a number. They have been welcomed into the family for the day.

The group size builds, and we split off into different groups inside this time of year. The noise level is high, but the children are productive. In warmer weather, we are outside enjoying nature by now, but today friends find one another, ask if a friend will be at school for the day, and stay warm for another hour before we head outside to feed the animals.

The Twos have their morning snack, the PreK continues its play, and the babies begin to settle in for a morning nap. Not everything is perfect, but we are all here, ready for the party.
