Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

AM Snack: watermelon, water
Lunch: homemade organic chicken noodle soup, homemade bread with honey butter, organic milk
PM Snack: organic apple cinnamon chips, Annie's bunny grahams or cheddar bunnies, water

Classroom Highlights:

Infant Room: Today Caprice read Maisy's Pop-Up Book Playhouse and Maisy's Pop-Up Book Boat Houses. The children listened to farm animal sounds.

Toddler Room: The toddlers enjoyed seeing the farm animals this morning during feeding time. Janie read It's Not Funny Being a Bunny and Go Do, Go!. The class kneaded dough which was baked for school lunch. Everyone enjoyed a healthy, delicious lunch of homemade chicken noodle soup!

Twos Room: The class helped with morning feeding, read books, played with cars/trucks/trains, and had fun kneading bread dough. Sasha through the ball up outside, and all of the class ran to retrieve it like a little pack of puppies. Warm, homemade bread was a hit!

PreK: The PreK started their day by feeding the animals. In Community Time, the class did rock fingerplays and sang nursery rhyme songs. Lunch lasted an extra long time as everyone ate lots of (you guessed it!) bread. In the afternoon, the class enjoyed yoga!

Summer Camp: The summer campers enjoyed baking bread today, playing tag, and feeding the farm animals. After a yummy lunch, the kids enjoyed climbing trees, checking for eggs, and building fairy houses in the front flower beds. In the afternoon, the class enjoyed yoga!