Sunday, July 12, 2009

We were visited by a real renegade!

It's been a while since our last post. Giving life to two new "businesses"--swim lessons and a farmer's market--plus running a very small summer camp for our older friends proved to be a lot more than we thought in terms of time and energy. If you ask Tina and Janie, that's always the case with me though. I am trying very hard to temper my Sagitarrian ways and enjoy the fruits of our labor as they come rather than focusing on the next big thing.

The fruits this summer have been: a quiet school; a delicious week's vacation; yummy eggs from our chickens; beef, pork, vegetables, natural body products, cookies, cinnamon rolls, and massage most Saturdays at the market; a wonderful staff; and contact with nature! In fact, yesterday we were surprised by a visit from farm neighbor the "Food Renegade". She was kind to feature her family's trip to our market on her blog:

Thank you to all of our customers for supporting our school, and thank you to everyone who has volunteered or donated to us in big and small ways alike! Your kindness means so much!