Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, 12/9/08

School Announcements:
Thank you to Wacy's mom, Sarah, for coming in to punch cans for our Solstice Festival luminaries!

Please continue to save cans and bring them in, and thanks for all of the donations so far!

Highlights from the Infant Room: Jack is scooting all over the room, nodding his head when asked a question, and waving "goodbye". Ali is rolling over and grasping for toys! Gage loves to laugh when teachers make funny faces or sounds. We have fun each day!

Highlights from the Toddler Room: The boys get excited to head outside, and Gavin and Waylon yell "Abby"! Kai likes to turn our table upside down, and has been doing a great job giving gentle touches. Luke still loves rice cakes and bouncing the ball! Orion enjoys being outside more than anything.

Highlights from the Twos Room: Today the class enjoyed learning our bread baking rhyme and the wood chopping rhyme. The class read Going to Sleep on the Farm and talked about our school animals. The kids did beeswax crayon drawings and visited the animals! The boys love pedaling bikes, jumping, and kicking balls outside.

Highlights from the PreK: At Community Time, we talked about the buffalo along 183A that can be seen while some of us are on our way to school. We sang "Home, Home on the Range", which talks a little about buffaloes. We talked about two new goats that we will receive in January from friends of Matt's family and read Miles' book. We jumped up and down to our names spelled aloud, one jump for each letter. We took care of the animals and composted with Jamie while others worked in the greenhouse tending our plants. Fine motor work included a peg sorting/patterning activity, drawing with beeswax crayons, tracing the letters of our name, and modeling beeswax. We had a very busy day, and many friends were exhausted by nap time.

AM Snack: raisin bran, organic milk or water

Lunch: casserole with roast chicken and vegetables, grapes, organic milk or water

PM Snack: cheddar cheese cubes, pretzel sticks, water