Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday 12/1/08

School Announcements: Wow! The week before Thanksgiving was very busy for us at the school. Many staff and children were sick with a variety of symptoms, so there was little time to keep up with the blog. But, we're back and ready to start a fresh week and a fresh month!

Highlights from the Infant Room: Miss Caprice is back and feeling well. Jack enjoyed scooting across the hardwood floor making crawling motions. Ali is rolling over from a prone position. They both enjoyed a quiet day with thier teacher.

Highlights from the Toddler Room: The children painted with yellow today by shaking a wooden, paint-covered egg over paper in a large box. Their artwork is proudly displayed in the classroom. The kids enjoyed a wagon ride to see the animals with Mrs. Michelle. Crinkling paper and outside time with Miss Lacey completed the day.

Highlights from the 2s Room: The kids enjoyed meeting their new friend, Mason. The kids painted today using a pinecone with the help of Miss Tina. Outside, the kids enjoyed watching the animals and listening to the donkey, Abby, "hee haw" when she saw Mr. Jamie. In the afternoon, Miss Janie sang the apple rhyme and read a story. Everyone liked Mr. Jamie's new and improved outdoor tunnel.

Painting with a pinecone.

Highlights from the PreK Room: As part of community time, the children enjoyed books called Who Am I?, Miles' Dog Food book, and Matt's Ready, Set, Go book. The kids enjoyed painting with pinecones (some will finish tomorrow), building with Legos, and writing and drawing with wipe-off markers. Friends helped Mr. Jamie take care of the animals, including spending time with the miniature horse, Lily Belle in the side yard. Fine motor work included stringing pasta wheels on pipe cleaners and using tongs to transfer the pasta from one bowl to another. Mr. Jamie's tunnel was a hit in the afternoon!

Drawing and writing with wipe off markers.

Transferring pasta with tongs.

AM Snack: homemade blueberry bread, water

Lunch: roast chicken, brown rice, mixed vegetables, fresh orange slices, milk

PM Snack: hummus, baby carrots, pretzel sticks, water

Toddlers enjoying afternoon snack.