Friday, February 5, 2010

This Week, 2/1-2/5/10

This week we learned about fire and enjoyed the story of the fire fairy. It rained, rained, rained, so we were inside a lot! We welcomed a new friend, Isabella. Elijah's father, Anthony, joined our school to help with cooking and afternoons in the classroom. Monday we painted fires, Tuesday we drew with beeswax, Wednesday we baked bread and Thursday we painted hearts to hang in our trees outside next week!
Snipping parsley for lunch . . .
Watching the garbage truck empty the dumpster. . .

Playing with felt dinosaurs and a felt board . . .
Cooking . . .
Playing . . .
Smiling . . .
Hiding . . .
Building tents . . .
Making a domino slide . . .

Bread . . .

Playing a baking game . . .
Building a train track . . .

Hiding behind bars . . .
Waylon changes the weather wheel for us at community time . . .
Yes, Waylon, it is raining again!
Little nap nests await the Twos class . . .
Maya celebrated her second birthday this week, and Miss Christin made her this:
Painting fire or a fire fairy . . .
Children enjoy hearing older children read . . .
Naptime . . .

Self-serving lunch, using our new "glass" plates in PreK.

Our seasonal tray . . . we light the candles for PreK at lunch.
Our painted hearts . . .

Jeanne tells this week's story to her group . . .

Porter smiling before a nap.