Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

We still have several kiddos that aren't feeling well as the stomach virus continues to circulate through the group. As a special treat, the children watched a movie and enjoyed popcorn during community time.

Outside: school clean up day--washed inside toys outside and air dryed, cooked at the outdoor kitchen, wagon rides, helped clean up the porch and arrange the toy shelf
Fine Motor: scooping beans and transferring to other containers using a variety of utensils, drawing with markers, writing on dry erase boards
Indoor play/pretend: train set, building a farm with barn and animals, worked with tools at the workbench

Breakfast: scrambled egg breakfast sandwich on bagels, mandarin oranges, milk
Lunch: tomato soup, peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat, watermelon, milk
Snack: organic apple and oatmeal bar

We hope that everyone has a great weekend!