AM Snack: watermelon, water
Lunch: homemade organic vegetarian chili, whole wheat bread with organic butter, organic milk
PM Snack: dried cherries, ginger snaps, water
Classroom Highlights:
Infants and Toddlers: Today we welcomed our new little friend, Addison (Addie). She is Colton's little sister, and she had a spectacular first day!! Janie read The Little Egg to the children and sang "Five Little Monkies". The kids made farm animals sounds--sheep, horse, pig, donkey, and chicken. Gage and Ali enjoyed playing together, Addie was all smiles, and Emma Grace will be so happy when she can finally crawl!
Twos: The class had a lot of play time outside this morning while it was still cool! A morning snack of watermelon outside was fun. The class sang "Wheels on the Bus" and the "ABC Song". They played "Ring Around the Rosie" and danced to music.
PreK: The class did morning farm chores and worked on cleaning out the greenhouse. The children helped raked out hay and then fed it to the animals. We learned a new song "Wind the Bobbin". We sing this song right after we do our morning work and it signifies that it is time to play!
Summer Camp: We started our day by looking for grasshoppers, crickets, and other insects to feed the chickens as a treat. After morning feeding, we worked on the greenhouse, cleaning it our to prepare for some planting next week! It's already time to start lots of veggies inside for the fall/winter! Inside, the class played a scenario where they were horses. They used our new harnesses and nap mats to make a horse round! Almost everyone loved chili for lunch. After rest time the kids created a board game and played it for almost 40 minutes! We fed Lucy her slop, and followed her to her mudhole where she rolled over and over again. We had a good day!