Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AM Snack: dry cereal, water bottles
Lunch: homemade organic vegetable soup, cheddar cheese cubes, homemade honey wheat bread and butter, organic milk
PM Snack: strawberry smoothie (organic yogurt), ginger snaps

Classroom Highlights:
Infants: The infants enjoyed hearing Miss Caprice read poetry at circle time. She sang nursery rhymes with the children and blew bubbles.

Toddlers: The toddler class had a fun time splashing in the baby pool and visiting the animals.

Twos: The twos class enjoyed blowing bubbles inside. All of our friends are using more and more words each day, including saying their ABCs and counting in English and Spanish to ten. We painted bubbles with white paint using the end of a toilet paper roll. We read We've All Got Belly Buttons and visited the animals in the morning during feeding time.

PreK: The PreK has been working on learning to set a table complete with cloth napkins and napkin rings. Friends enjoyed using plastic bolts to build robots. The class read Benny's Big Bubble. A fine motor activity was to practice pouring water, and transferring water using eye droppers. Stacy Wooster taught yoga to the children after nap time.

Summer Camp: The children enjoyed baking honey wheat bread, taking care of the animals, pretending to be animals in several play scenarios, and reading to younger "buddies" to complete a summer reading program.