Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Time to Start Thinking About Fall/Winter Gardening . . .

Can you believe it? It's time to start thinking about starting some plants indoors to sew outside as the temps get cooler in September and October.

Mother Earth News recommends "counting back 12-14 weeks from your average first fall frost date to plan your first task: starting seeds of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale indoors . . . " Mother Earth News Aug/Sept '09. According to Victory Seeds, the frost date that we should be counting back from in the Austin area is 11/5.(

We are in Zone 8 for the USDA, also called the "Southern Interior" on some planting guides.

A complete month by month table of what to plant can be found here:

and a fall guide here (we are Zone 3 in Texas):

We'll be busy as beavers at school repairing our greenhouse and get our fall crops started!