Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, 11/14/08

Painting outside is a good idea!

An early morning visit from Mr. Frog. . .

School Announcements: Have a great weekend! Don't forget your nap items and water bottle on Monday. We have a new see-saw on our playground!

Highlights from the Infant Room: Watch for a revised infant daily note form on Monday that makes liquids and solids easily distinguished. Jack and Caprice spent the day together today playing with silks and doing foot/toe rhymes from the book Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents. Jack enjoyed being outside very much!
Highlights from the Toddler Room: The toddlers enjoyed lots of time outside this morning and enjoyed watching all of the animals. Puzzles and bean bags were favorite activities. Several friends surprise us each day with a new clear word! This morning, the class made fruit smoothies for their AM snack.
Making smoothies! Can two year olds use blenders???

Highlights from the 2s Class: Mandy's class loves nature walks and added things to their collection bags today. Mandy found a frog outside early this morning and the kids loved it! This morning, the class made fruit smoothies for their AM snack. Friends helped Leslie make English muffin veggie pizzas. Asa, Jaden, and Isaac helped Grandma Rice shredded carrots with a rotary cutter. Maksim and Gabrielle loved digging in the dirt, and Isaac, Asa, and Jaden loved to chase a ball that Jamie threw for them this afternoon.

Highlights from PreK Class: Today PreK enjoyed a visited from a friend named Micah! During community time Miles' "real" story of the big bad wolf and the three little pigs. They sang "Skunk in the Barnyard". PreK took a walk around the farm to say "good morning" to all of the animals. Everyone worked on English muffin veggie pizzas. Some friends finished a painting project. The animals were fed by the PreK. Free play indoors included Legos, making pipe cleaner bracelets, and dressing up to play house. In the afternoon, they sang "Happy Birthday" to Landon and celebrated, enjoying blueberry muffins from his mom!

AM Snack: PreK: fresh oranges, dry cereal, water. Toddlers, 2s: fruit smoothie
Lunch: English muffin veggie pizzas (tomato sauce, shredded carrots, spinach and garlic, mozzarella), tropical fruit salad, milk
PM Snack: cheese cubes, Triscuits, water--also blueberry mini muffins for PreK