Community: Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones, Uno, Dos, Tres, One, Two, Three, My Pony, Ten In The Bed, circle songs, Kaden shared with us some of his martial arts moves that he has learned and also counted to ten in Korean for us, days of the week, counted one to ten in Spanish and English
Outside: "train rides" on the wagon, cooking at the outdoor play kitchen, observed the rabbit that visits the backyard on occassion
Fine Motor: scooping beans using a variety of utensils and containers, floor puzzles [new Thomas the Tank Engine puzzle], unifix cubes, learned how to use a protractor, introduced to an abacus
Art: painted using water colors
Indoor/Pretend: taking care of the baby dolls, "restaurant" with the play kitchen, drawing with pencils, markers and crayons, built a race track
Cooking: the children helped mix up a homemade snack mix of raisins, roasted peanuts and pretzels
Breakfast: oatmeal with cinnamon, milk, mandarin oranges
Lunch: taco salad with rice, tomatoes, lettuce and shredded cheese, crackers, milk
Snack: homemade snack mix with pretzels, raisins and roasted peanuts
New School Note: We would like to introduce you to Lucy, the school's new pot belly pig. Lucy is a micro mini pot belly pig and is 3 years old. Lucy is being donated to us by friends of Mattvey. Many thanks to Mattvey's mom, Tanya who arranged our adoption of Lucy. We are so fortunate to have them make such a lovely donation to the school. Lucy will be joining us when we transition to the new location. Lucy is currently living with a foster family until we transition to the new location. We know that the children will enjoy observing and interacting with Lucy on a daily basis! Welcome to The Good Earth Day School, Lucy!