Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Today was a cold drizzly day at farm school...

8:00 AM...What will we get into today? We're supposed to be heading outside right now, but it's not looking good. But we do that--we go outside in nearly all weather. The children need it. We need it. We will be one of the only preschools in Austin today to make a go of it, and with sheep!

9:00 AM Pack it up! Pack PreK's snack for Tabi and Janie in the wagon! Load up the water bottles, a small trash bag, and some wipes for hands and noses. Mass evacuation...PreK is headed to the "misty forest". Right in front of four touring families? We're not afraid to be who we are in the name of what is best for children.

10:30 AM Transistional PreK takes a short walk around the school, then spends imaginative time on the play yard. The kids create an imaginary train that flys up through the big tree. God, why didn't we mulch the play yard sooner? It is awesome to be able to play without getting so muddy.

11:00 AM The Toddlers, the Toddlers! Ellen and her kids go to check the cats' food bowls. Happy, bouncing, cherubic children. Look at their vitality! Fresh air and movement = health.

Kids plus a wooly one...
Asa and Aunt Janie...glad they get to see one another during the week! He's glad he brought his big jacket after all...
Some recent pics...

Writing table...

Toddler book club after nap...

Mixed age grouping and cross-over between classes on the playground allows for times like this. "How does she do that?" thinks the little one.