Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, 10/12/10

For the next two weeks, the children at our school will use the theme "Woodworking and Honesty" in their work.
Sometimes I can't take in all the beauty that I see in a day at our school. Nurturing staff, children free to experience nature and use their imaginations. Freedom to explore a world that, for children, is often very restricted because of the things only adults are aware of or can imagine. Innocence in nature...I saw a lot of that today.
Andrea's chalk board drawing...

Screws and screwdrivers...
Sophia's birthday celebration...
Cutting and drawing..."pre-writing"...

Walking up the hill, then running back DOWNNNNN...

Following a mowed path to see where it leads...

Tinker Toy construction...

*Additional photos courtesy of Sarah