Community: worked our biceps and triceps while singing our ABCs, talked about the bread we made yesterday and what we did with it last night, read Oh Where, O Where Has My Little Dog Gone? and Ten Little Rabbits about some cute Native American rabbits on adventures
Outside: filled bags to take home with some of the first Fall leaves and acorns, hauled rocks in our dump trucks, rode bikes, played knight and dragon
Cooking: poured water for friends during work snack time, Matt sliced cantaloupe for lunch, served friends, set the table
Pretend: rode stick horses and fed them, cooked in the play kitchen, built a castle and used props like horses and people
Breakfast: peanut butter banana shake, whole wheat toast (one friend said a slice of toast looks like a T-shirt!)
Lunch: brown rice, kidney beans, broccoli, cantaloupe, organic milk
Snack: bagel with cream cheese, water