Community: circle songs--Five Little Speckled Frogs, days of the week, read First Thousand Words In Spanish [animals, today's menu, foods rabbits eat], Baby Animal Stories
Outside: the children were busy loading their wagons with toys and traveling around the backyard selling toys to their friends, racing around the bike path, swinging, riding bikes, cooking at the outdoor kitchen
Cooking: the children made focaccia using rosemary from the garden
Fine Motor: kneading and shaping focaccia, lacing cards
Indoor Play: building structures with silks, clips and playstands, cooking at the indoor kitchen, cars and trucks, Legos, workbench and tools
Breakfast: mini bagels with peanut butter, sausage links, orange wedges, organic milk
Lunch: tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, organic milk, pear slices
Snack: Ryvita crackers and peanut butter, water
Special Note: Our open house scheduled for Saturday, September 13 is still on despite the inclement weather that is being forecasted for central Texas.