Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nose Pickin' and Adenoids . . .

At school Tuesday, I was singing a song with my class that involved hand motions pointing to different body parts. When we gently tapped our nose, I jokingly said, "and remember, at school we don't pick our noses!". A little girl smiled, looked like a deer in headlights, and said, "But sometimes I don't pick my nose at farm school."

On Wednesday, we were playing a version of "freeze dance" where you dance when the music is playing and freeze when it is off. I told the children that when the music stopped, we were going to lay down, pretend to sleep, and make snoring sounds. One little boy came over to me, "I can't really snore 'cause I don't have my tonsils or adenoids anymore."

These children may have been Violet and Colton . . .
