School Announcements: We have had a busy couple of days at school! Most folks seem to be feeling better, though we still have a couple of friends out sick today. Please note that the illness we have been seeing involves several days of diarrhea, and maybe some vomitting or a headache. It takes several days to fully recover and be ready for school--a reminder that children must have been free of vomitting and diarrhea for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
A big thank you to Dr. Vasut and the students at Lake Travis High School. We were so grateful to receive their donation of two beautiful goats (one a champion), named "Tonka" and "Chevy". We also received a beautiful lamb named "Spencer". The animals are doing very well on their first day, and our kiddos are very excited! Again, many thanks to Dr. Vasut, the students, and Tanya Carter (Matt's mom) for all of her coordination!
Highlights from the Infant Room: The infants have been enjoying Caprice's xylophone today. Each child had a chance to make some music with Caprice. The children enjoyed reading books and playing with the play mat. We are so glad that our friend Jack is feeling better. Thank you, Caprice, for bringing in your beautiful instrument to share.
Highlights from the Toddler Room: Orion and Vivian enjoyed building with large Legos and wooden blocks. They tossed the soft soccer ball around the room, and visited our new animals this afternoon. They loved outside time, and enjoyed hearing Caprice's beautiful music.
Highlights from the Twos Room: Gavin, Kai, and Mason loved seeing the new goats this morning. The class read Dr. Suess' Amazing Alphabet Book and a colors book. The boys took a long nap, and didn't think much of afternoon snack--veggies and dip!
Highlights from the PreK: The morning got off to a busy start when we watched Jesse move in another fridge, as our school fridge wasn't working well. We had lots of questions! The children enjoyed painting--attempting some wet on wet painting with Michelle. Mr. Jamie was sick, so we will spend time getting to know our new animal friends in the afternoon. The class enjoyed hearing Miles' three little pigs book and discussing it. Indoor work included cooking in the play kitchen, scooping pasta, and the newly established writing table.
AM Snack: organic honey nut toasted "o"s, organic milk
Lunch: organic brown rice, mixed vegetables, roasted chicken, mandarin oranges, organic milk
PM Snack: zucchini sticks, baby carrots, ranch dip, water