Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 23

Community: circle games and songs, read How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, various rhyming books, ABCs

Movement: dancing like ballerinas to classical music

Fine Motor: folding silks and nap blankets, Montessori materials with pegs of different length and circumference, large and small floor puzzles [math puzzles]
Outside: wagon rides, swinging, cloud watching, wagon train--toys for sale, loading/unloading dump trucks with rocks, tricycles

Cooking: the children helped set the table for lunch and served each other at mealtime

Indoor: created capes using play silks, built a farm using animals and blocks, repairing toys at the workbench, washing silks in the play washer, Legos, taking care of babies

Breakfast: vanilla yogurt, organic granola with dried apples and raisins, organic milk
Lunch: tomato soup, peanut butter sandwiches, organic milk, bananas and orange wedges
Snack: pumpkin muffins, water