Community: We enjoyed several of our favorite songs, read Oh Where Oh Where Has MY Little Dog Gone?, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Explore A Spooky Swamp, learned about flying frogs, African elephants, giant pandas, Emperor penguins and hummingbirds, recognized our names when spelled aloud
Outside: "X" marks the spot--searching the backyard the children marked "X"s in the bike path and dug for treasure, built a rain shelter using a shower curtain and the play scape, dump trucks
Cooking: served friends, set the table
Fine Motor: beeswax modeling, tracing shapes with beeswax crayons
Breakfast: mini bagels with peanut butter, raisins, milk
Lunch: bean and cheese burritos on whole wheat tortillas, organic blueberries and strawberries, milk
Snack: granola bars, apple juice